Friday, November 18, 2011

How Can 10 Simple Articles Change Your Life?

good friend of mine recently quit his day job and began selling baseball cards on eBay to pay the bills. He did more than pay the bills, even if, as has become his own boss and now works 70% less than he did when he was "busy". And the revenue? Oh, maybe quadrupled.

Although it has only been about four months now, he really improved his quality of life significantly - this is the kind of success that makes you jealous half, but also inspires you to go out and do something similar for yourself.

But despite its initial success, the realization of my boyfriend that he can accomplish more. The problem is that it is not clear how.

Earlier this week, I was more at home, and wanted to know if I thought his baseball card company could benefit in some way have a website. For example, you could build an online store to help customers achieve off eBay?

In theory, having a website provides a platform from which to build an audience of Nice and the visibility of your business.

In practice, however, most web sites eventually become useless pieces of digital property is not worth the price that accompanied the original domain.

When I was formulating a response to the question of my friend, I began to realize that the majority of people there simply do not understand how to go about business on the Internet. Of course, this is precisely why so many places become "useless bits of real estate."

It is not about technology - it is a heritage

So, where people tend to go wrong?

The innovation is so fast on the Web is easy to become blinded by technology and feature-rich software. We are constantly beaten with messages of "the next big thing" and so, naturally, to assign a value to what they perceive as disruptive innovations.

Therefore, we started to think that to carry out a successful online business, you must include all these new features and excellent that was available through new technologies.

May God help you if you think you are so 2005, right?

The problem here is that our perceptions of fairness on the Internet has become artificially skewed.

It is true that there is value in new technologies. For a company like YouTube, there was action on their incredible product.

But here's the true spirit of fan:

The real equity in the network is the content, not technology that helps us to produce it.

Think of a second here. Do you really care about that video like Weird Al on YouTube is not for you, or you just want the video itself?

Equity is in its content that is not how it got there.

So what does this mean for the site my buddy and his baseball card business?

This means that many fancy pants technology to perform a showcase state-of-the-art online would be a terrible investment.

Thank you for the incredible amount of innovation, even for the everyday Joe can go out and take an incredibly functional online shop. This fact alone any unit, equity-based web shop in a toilet.

Let's look at this real world terms everyone can understand. If you want to go and buy 500 acres in the remote, you might expect to pay about $ 3,000 per acre. But if you want to purchase 500 acres of the largest U.S. metropolitan area of ​​the city, one might expect to pay $ 150.000 per acre, if nothing else!

The conclusion is that there is a lot of equity in:

not uncommon

is not unique

It is true that some companies and programmers really need to focus on the technology, because that is where the capital is.

However, your capital is in your content because it is the only thing you can bring to the competition both rare and unique.

It all started with 10 simple items.

So how 10 simple items to change your life?

These items serve as the basis for your website - not to mention the future of your business. Certainly informed traders know the value of 10 articles on a niche topic, and I really believe that there is absolutely nothing better you can do for your business.

10 by writing simple articles on a subject you love, you will effectively:

The creation of the equity in your site.

Add your company's equity.

Say you stick to writing articles on the subject for a year, and by the end of time that you won 100 articles. When all is said and done, you have a website that is packed with detailed articles, current and relevant to your subject and you'll probably a highly targeted (and interested) in the audience, who have all chosen to come along the promenade.

And if you do not believe everything I say fuck you think this:

Google loves sites like this.

In the case of my friend, if all that he had been an online store, and a cool AJAX interface can anyone enter the market and compete against him with their own windows. In essence, there would be no equity in his site, because someone could imitate what he had with their own products ...

But they would have a hell of a time trying to compete with its contents.

If there were 100 articles, and not be a joke. The key is that in any other matter, which controls the flow of information around this issue has all the power.

Writing articles on baseball cards, the boy was able to create the preeminent source of information on this topic. He could build a Web site targeted value and the interested public at virtually no cost. A minimum of 9 or 10 months, you can create a number of channels through which to make money, which would be quite ridiculous.

At that time, his only problem would be to understand how to take advantage of every opportunity he created for himself.

And it would all began with 10 single items.

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