Showing posts with label Benevolence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benevolence. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Benevolence is defined as the disposition to do good; good will; charitableness; love of mankind accompanied with the desire to promote man's happiness. Church benevolence is no different; in fact, this characteristic should exude from the members of the church (followers of Christ) on a daily basis wherever they go. The church is a collection of followers of Christ that hold dear the beliefs and commandments He taught as an example of the way to live according to God. To be benevolent is an outward action of following in Christ's footsteps. This characteristic itself is the action of doing good deeds for one another on a regular basis. In times past the word and especially church benevolence were meant to include the good things a church (as a body of believers in one location) could do to help those in their community and surrounding areas. Examples would include opening soup kitchens for the hungry, offering shelter for the homeless, donating Christmas presents for those that would not otherwise be able to celebrate Christmas (with gifts) for their children. Benevolence funds are raised, sometimes separately on a monthly basis, to finance these community good deeds. "He delivereth the poor in his affliction, and openeth their ears in oppression" (Job 36:15).
People have always felt that when they were in need, they could come to the local church for help. Now, churches are starting to feel the pinch of a wavering economy and can no longer afford to help the entire community without first helping those within their congregation. Many skeptics feel that the church is here to help everyone, but the Bible speaks a different truth. The church was established not to save the lost, but to encourage and edify the believers. In times of old, Christians had nowhere to turn for support and assurance of their faith.
Persecution of Christians was happening in many places, and it was dangerous to have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Christians needed church benevolence to help each other. Today, some churches have been blessed enough to offer outside benevolence to non believers, to promote missions trips to spread God's word, and to create shelters and soup kitchens, etc. It should be noted however, that benevolence in it's truest form, should first be bestowed upon members of God's family for edification of the church and encouragement to continue to use it to spread the word of God through fruits in everyday life situations.