LOS ANGELES - For a guy who did Fight Club and Seven, David Fincher is apparently not one to be nervous by the Swedes.
She put it in the middle of the Swedish countryside, however, not only chills and winds from the north.
"It 'a different kind of world," says the director of the girl with the dragon tattoo, the 21 December.
"When the sun sets at 2 pm and winds which is 30 then you realize that these people are more consistent," Fincher said from his offices in Hollywood, where film editing is involved. "And I think," My God, how to survive that? "
This is Fincher said he often wondered discusses the novel 2005 by Stieg Larsson crime that serves as a center Fincher thriller with Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig. The book, the first part of the Millennium trilogy series, research on the misfortune of a journalist (Craig) and hacker (Mara) of a woman missing for 40 years.