At Penn State, Joe Paterno was bigger than life, even bronze. His power and influence was so great, nobody dared to confront, challenge and certainly not the legend, a former university official.
During his four years as Vice President of Student Affairs, Vicky Triponey challenged the power and lost. Triponey out the direct supervision of the Office of Judicial Affairs, the university's disciplinary arm. When football players went against school policy, Paterno said Triponey interfered in the process of discipline.
After this incident, said Triponey, then president Graham Spanier said, ". Vicky, you are one of the few people who have seen the dark side of Joe Paterno"
In another case, said Triponey Spanier said, "You can not expect to change the culture" and that "40 years, he has never seen someone moves to Joe Paterno." Spanier n ' has not responded to interview requests this week. Several calls Paterno publicist were not returned or a request by e-mail to the campus public relations.