Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tax Deductible Car Donations

Tax deductible car donations are an excellent way to help a person save some money on his personal tax liability when filing his yearly income tax return. A tax deductible car donation will not only save the taxpayer money, but also provide an opportunity for him to give to the charity of his choice. The double benefit makes this a popular means for many American citizens to lessen their tax liability while at the same time providing finances to the charity of their choice. According to the IRS, two and one half billion dollars of tax deductible car donations were made in the year 2000. There are many charitable organizations in the United States that solicit these contributions to meet the needs of their philanthropic outreaches. Some of these are organizations that benefit cancer research, the blind, at-risk kids, both kidney and lung foundations, animal rights groups, veterans groups, and many more. A contribution can provide much-needed funds for these and other non-profit organizations. The work accomplished strictly because of this generosity is vast. With many citizens using this means of giving, the strides made in disease-related research alone is enormous.
Care should be given when researching the charity to which a person makes his tax deductible car donation. Check out the financial statement of the organization. If the group does not use its funds appropriately, do not consider them for a donation. Research how the money is spent. New laws have made it possible to receive the full retail value of a donated automobile in some instances, but it is important to be aware of which charitable organizations are considered qualified organizations according to the IRS. IRS Publication 78 lists acceptable charitable organizations. Contributions should be prefaced by certain questions for a chosen organization, such as, how much of the proceeds of the sale of the tax deductible car donation will actually get to the charity and how much is used up in administrative costs.
Non-profit and charitable organizations highly desire tax deductible car donations; therefore, many organizations will offer free pick-up of the automobile donated. Not only are cars accepted, but also trucks, boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles. Proverbs 18:16 says, "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men." Making a contribution of a vehicle is a beneficial act that provides reward to both the giver and receiver. The benefits go both ways and help build up God's kingdom.

List Of Charitable Organizations

A list of charitable organizations is necessary to help a tax preparer find out if the tax payer qualifies for tax credits on his tax return. The tax preparer can find this information in two ways. He can call the number for the IRS, or he can simply look for the list of charities on the IRS website. Once he has determined which organization sounds like one he would like to help, the giver should research the financial dealings of that organization. The reason for this is that while many organizations are legitimate nonprofits, there are many that do not handle their finances in a disciplined manner. With the onslaught of hurricanes in the South, many supposed good groups have turned out to be scammers who set up websites that link into their personal bank accounts or into the coffers of politicians. The donor needs to make sure that the group he picks is a well-known, legitimate organization that supports the ideals of giving. The Internet is an excellent place to start the research. A list of charitable organizations can be filtered by belief system. For example, a person could search for nonprofits that have a Christian base; or decide on a group that has a humanitarian, but secular, base. In addition, people can find a list of charities that operate only within the United States, and a different set of names that fund programs internationally. Before choosing a name from a random list, decide what is important, then invest by choosing an organization that puts its resources in the area of your passion. Is the concern over care for the aids-ravaged villages in Africa, or is it for the homeless in a person's hometown? Is the passion in the area of missions, both foreign and domestic?
Another good way to donate correctly is by calling the church office. They should have a list of charitable organizations or missionaries that they currently support. Since the church's resources are going to support a particular list of charities. A person can find groups that have the same doctrine and vision. When a Christian makes a donation, he is following the godly standard of giving to the poor. "The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth it not" (Proverbs 29:7). He also may be helping to fulfill the Great Commission to take the gospel to the whole world (Acts 1:8) by giving to mission organizations.

Donate Bibles

Anyone who wants to donate Bibles can be a part of the Great Commission to spread God's love to the entire world. Jesus told His people, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation" (Mark 16:15). There is no better way to do that than to give to donate Bible programs that help spread God's Word throughout the world. Here in the United States, people do not see or suffer the persecution that many Christians do in other parts of the world. In order for Christians to be prepared to lead others to God, many organizations and churches must provide Bibles to them. To help share God's word with those living in spiritual darkness, there are organizations that will offer services free of charge. Some organizations ask for financial donations so that they can donate Bible literature throughout the world. Others will accept donations regardless of the condition or version of the Bible. The hunger for God throughout the world is so strong that many are needed to help donate Bibles in order to further the Kingdom of God.
Getting involved in donating God's Word to others is as easy as taking used or new copies to a local collection center or church. In many programs, a person can donate Bibles to be delivered by missionaries to those in other countries. To donate Bible literature, a visit to the many online sites can direct an individual to the site of their choice. Many of the organizations that will provide these services charge a small fee for this work. One Christian site just asks for a person's desire to make donations. The individual must simply click on the spot and a Bible is donated, with no cost whatsoever.
Many people want to help share the word of God, but just don't know how. To donate Bibles or literature is the perfect solution. It takes very little effort, little or no money, and the reward for the individual will be knowing they have participated in spreading God's word. Getting involved is easy, especially with the organizations that donate Bible literature here in America, like the Gideon Organization. As a Christian, it is important to understand the need for the Word of God to be available to people throughout the world, whether by donating Bibles or money to this cause. "Freely we have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)

Donate An Old Car To Charity

When someone chooses to donate an old car to charity, they are providing a great service to an organization that works to aid others in need. For the person interested in this process, there are many benefits with donating a car to charity. Not only is it an opportunity to help others, but the consumer can also gain some great tax deductions while doing so. Donating a vehicle, or any item, to charity is one of the easiest things a person can do. Searching online for information on this subject will allow the individual to find websites on many different charities that will accept vehicles and other large items for donation. Then, the consumer must simply make a phone call to the chosen organization and they will come and pick up the vehicle at little or no cost to the consumer. Many people choose to perform this act of kindness for the benefits that will be received. One of the great benefits is the tax deductions that the consumer will get when tax time rolls around the following year. All the individual has to do is find out the blue book value of the car and take into account any repairs that it may need. The repair costs should be subtracted from this value in order to determine what amount can be claimed on income taxes. Often, the charitable organization will work with the individual to determine this value when the individual chooses to donate an old car to charity.
The most important thing to remember when making a large donation, as with providing a car to an organization, is that this act of gratitude and kindness will be helping out people in the local community, the country, or the world. When someone decides to donate an old car to charity, the organization will either give the car to someone who is in dire need of a vehicle, or they will sell the car and use the money for charitable donations. The individual will often have the option of choosing which charity it is going to go to and what will happen to the vehicle.
Often, an individual will struggle with giving to the church and other organizations. If God calls a person to donate an old car to charity, they must do as God has told them. It is very clear in the Bible that God calls His children to give of themselves and their possessions in order to spread His love and Word. Christians must pray about this decision and discuss with Him whether this is the right step. It is an opportunity to help others while honoring God. "Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10)

Donate A Cell Phone

When a person chooses to donate a cell phone, they are providing their used equipment to an organization or individual that can benefit from this equipment. This type of program is highly effective for those in need of new communication technology and will allow the individual to get rid of something that is no longer needed. If people choose to donate cell phones to an organization, there are many different things that the group can do with them. Some of the most effective ways to donate these devices will be through abuse shelters, medical organizations, and many other programs. Domestic violence and other forms of abuse is a very common problem throughout the country and world. Many people have become victims of this terrible crime and need a way to escape the danger. Choosing to donate a cell phone to shelters and organizations that work to help battered and abused women and children is a great way to offer charity. Offering communication devices will allow the victims to return to normal society and life, with a constant line of communication to the shelter or the police in the event of danger. When someone wants to donate cell phones to this cause, they are offering support and confidence to people in need.
Medical organizations can also benefit from used communication devices and tools, especially hospitals that work with organ transplants. Often, individuals are given beepers or other devices that will allow for immediate contact when an organ is found and ready to be transplanted. A person can donate a cell phone to this cause and help save the life of someone in need. When people donate cell phones to medical organizations and transplant centers, the patients can receive instant notification of any changing medical conditions, new procedures, or other news on their situation.
For someone with used technology and communication equipment, finding the right organization to work with can be difficult. Sometimes, a person will choose to donate a cell phone to an organization that has a personal meaning to them, while others will select an organization simply based on what services they offer to individuals in need. The best way to donate cell phones is to seek Gods help and guidance. "The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him" (Lamentations 3:25). Depending on God to lead the way to the right charity or cause is a great way to offer blessings to others in the name of God.

Christian Child Charity

Christian child charities are there to help children who have been neglected or abused by their parents and also for those who have severe or terminal illnesses. Anyone can donate items, money, and even time to a Christian child charity. Many children love to have people come and spend time with them, especially those whose parents are no longer in the picture. Organizations coordinate these efforts as well as the acceptance and distribution of monetary donations. Without these charitable funds, many children would go without the things they need, like medical care, food, clothing, and shelter. One purpose of charitable organizations is to help children who have long term or terminal illnesses. These children often spend months at a time in the hospital, some of them indefinitely. Some do not have insurance and their families have no way of paying looming hospital bills. Money from a Christian child charity can go a long way toward paying medical bills and other expenses associated with the child's hospitalization. For those with terminal illnesses, Christian child charities can make the child's remaining time on earth more enjoyable by providing them with special things, such as toys. Organizations can also include visits from people wishing to donate their time to spend with these children during this rough time.
Charitable organizations have been around for quite a while to meet the needs of children all over the world. Many people act as missionaries spreading the love of Jesus in various parts of the word as part of a Christian child charity. Groups can fund many different aspects of a child's care from basic physical needs to the deeper emotional needs of children. Children are facing the prevalent issue of abuse and neglect more today than ever before. Christian child charities can sometimes literally save the lives of these children. Once they are displaced from their parents by social services, these children need good loving homes to live in.
People should not ever think that their donation will not make a difference. It takes the efforts of many to make a difference and every single dollar or moment counts. Donating to a Christian child charity is one of the best ways to tithe or bring an offering before God. The Bible teaches that Jesus loves the little children and such is the kingdom of heaven. "But Jesus called them to him, and said, Suffer little children to come to me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." (Luke 18:16)

Charity Fundraising Ideas

Charity fund raising is a great opportunity to raise support and awareness for charities and the causes they support. There are many non profit organizations throughout the country and the world that seek support through many different types of events. With the various types of charity fund raising events that are held throughout the year for different causes, it is very easy to choose a cause to support with monetary donations or by hands on assistance. The most popular ones include telethons and various types of sales or auctions with proceeds benefiting a particular organization or cause. This unique way of raising money has been developed to assist in the growth and maintenance of the organizations that provide services and assistance to people in need. Charity fundraising allows many such organizations to provide medical assistance, job training, education, and a variety of other services to those in need. It is also a great opportunity to support operations and organizations that help promote a better quality of life for individuals in many situations.
Telethons are one of the most popular and well known forms of fund raising. Most large organizations hold telethon charity fund raising events so the money individuals pledge can be called into a certain phone number and they can then donate a certain amount of money for the cause that is being discussed. Telethons allow organizations to show what they are working to fight against, such as diseases or disasters. This is a great charity fundraising event because it gives the donor an idea of what the money will be used for.
Many different sales are held every year to benefit a variety of organizations. These sales can be held in the form of an auction, a bake sale, a community service program or whatever else the organization thinks of. Charity fundraising sales often involve donated products from businesses or philanthropists that work with the organization to raise financial assistance and public awareness of the charity's work.
These events allow a charity to raise monetary support for the organization. Many events are held throughout the world, almost daily, to promote awareness and receive funding to further the efforts of the organization. There are many events that can be used in charity fund raising, such as a telethon or auction, that provides financial assistance to organizations that attempt to make a difference in the world and the lives of the individuals involved with the charity. The idea for charity fundraising is strongly taught in the Bible. "Freely ye have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8b)

Charity Christmas Card

Charity Christmas card companies have developed a productive and effective method of raising money for various needy causes throughout the country. Offering a selection of charity Christmas cards to consumers, a company can designate a portion of the proceeds to a tax exempt organization. Many consumers like the idea of supporting a charitable cause during the holiday season by purchasing their printed greetings from companies that offer this feature along with their products. Consumers can purchase cards while designating funds to a special needy project. This is a perfect way to send warm greetings to friends, family and strangers alike during the giving season. "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God..." (1 John 4:7) These products are sold by companies that offer a wide selection of printed items for discriminating consumers. Features such as personalized greetings and custom designs are offered by many charity Christmas card companies. Items can also be purchased blank inside for a consumer's own handwritten message. Businesses and individuals purchase greeting products in an effort to support various non-profit groups that are previously designated by the sponsoring companies. Charity Christmas cards can be sold by a company that only sponsors one particular organization or by a company that designates to several charities.
A person may select which organization that they wish a company to designate a portion of their sales to from their purchases. Some items are sold from companies that designate 100% of consumer purchases to a particular charitable group that they endorse. This provides a boost in much needed finances for these charities before the holiday season. Many other charity Christmas card companies, however, designate a portion of the sales to charities while retaining the remainder for company profits. These businesses provide significant financial assistance to many charities through their varied product features and selections of charities.
Some companies offer several needy causes that can be supported and allow the consumer to choose which will receive the percentage of the sales that is designated to an organization. Selling greeting cards offers companies, consumers and charities many benefits from this unique business idea. A charity Christmas card company receives consumer good will and sales profits from their business endeavors. Consumers are pleased to purchase Christmas cards that not only bring delight to the recipient, but also offer financial support to the needy during the most generous time of the year. Charities, however, are the most important beneficiaries of charity Christmas cards when they receive large checks from their benefactors to assist them in helping others.