Sunday, May 26, 2013

Charity Christian Fellowship

Charity Christian fellowship is often thought to be an act of one of Christ's disciples helping another because someone lacks the necessary things needed to sustain life, such as food, shelter, water, and money. However, the real definition of charity Christian fellowship is as simple as showing love to a brother or sister in the Lord. While the presumed definition certainly can be applied, the root reason why a person would want to help another stems out of love. Charity is named as the greatest demonstration by a Christian in 1 Corinthians 13:13, "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." Therefore, people should strive to show this aspect of Christ in them in their daily walk. There are many ways to show charity. People can show love by taking a moment to listen to another's problems, friends being accountable to one another, offering a shoulder to cry on, or being of help in time of crisis. The early church heavily relied on charity Christian fellowship to get stronger in their faith. When persecution abounded in their area, they held strong together, edifying each other in Christ's image, showing love and support, and leading by example. These actions from the early church could teach people today a valuable way to behave with others. If the early church could remain unified in times of unbearable persecution for Christians, then people in times of religious freedom should stand up against the evil of this world, edify one another, and show the love of Christ.
Many denominational wars are present in Christ's church of believers today, stemming from arguments over tradition. Christ relieved us from tradition and instead wants us to live free an abundant lives, following His path and doing His will. The guidance that the Lord gave through His days on this earth can still be applied today. Therefore, Christ's followers should never forsake meeting together, whether it is in a church building, or a coffee shop, in order to build each other up and to remind one another of the teachings to adhere to. When people live in this kind of community, they are able to freely discuss their lives, decisions, fears, and dreams with each other.
Allowing the secular world to distort the vision of following Christ and His ways is wrong. Christ's followers should band together and let the words of the Gospel come alive. Applying God's truths to one's life is mandatory in order to live and show charity Christian fellowship. If Christ himself proved His love by the ultimate sacrifice of death and washing away of sin, the least His followers can do is to show love for one another, as they are all family under God in Christ.

Charity Car Donation

A charity car donation is a wonderful way to help a non-profit organization in raising funds or providing vehicles to those who are in need of transportation. There are many benefits for those who participate in a donor drive for automobiles such as receiving individual tax relief. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24) Many non-profit, charitable agencies that receive charity car donations can steer donors easily through the entire legal process in order to achieve both a tax exemption as well as the satisfaction of helping some important cause. Those who have an old auto but are just not sure what to do with it may want to consider donating it to a non-profit group. Providing a charity car donation might be more economical than actually selling an old or second auto because this allows donors to receive a deduction on their year end taxes. Before putting a "for sale" add in the paper or before taking an old vehicle to a dealer for a trade in, consider offering it to help an organization touch the lives of those in need. Accepting multiple vehicles can help a non-profit agency with their yearly budget, and if there are enough charity car donations annually, then there may be no need to schedule other fund-raising events.
The tax deduction for donated vehicles is, within limits, the fair market value of the auto being donated. The Internal Revenue Service must approve any non-profit organization that accepts car donations. Anyone considering donating an automobile should thoroughly research which charitable organizations follow the tax laws and are approved by the IRS. Only those organizations approved by the IRS can issue a valid income tax deduction for charity car donations. Donated vehicles must be itemized deductions detailed on a Schedule A of the Income Tax Form 1040. However, there are limitations for a charity car donation and the IRS has issued a published guide for anyone wishing to be involved in a donation program. This guide is Publication 303, "A Donor's Guide to Car Donations".
Most non-profit organizations that accept donated vehicles are honest, but fraud does occur in some programs. A person who is considering becoming an automobile donor should ask questions about how the money is raised and where it will be allocated by the group. It is also advised that those who are donating a car to a charity group that is not nationally known should obtain references from the group. Reputable charity car donation programs are happy to provide this information to any prospective donor in order to subsidize many worthy projects.

Charity Auto Donation

Charity auto donations are extremely financially wise and thoughtful means of disposing of older model cars that must be sold, traded, or donated by the owner. A charity auto donation option is popular because of the benefits to both the donor and the recipient of the car. In most instances, the donated vehicle is tax deductible simply by determining fair market value according to any number of popular pricing guides. In some unusual instances, an appraisal is required to determine the actual value of the donated car, particularly those considered rare or antique, for example. People can donate a vehicle they no longer need or use in one of two widely accepted ways. One is to contact a favorite charity and discuss the guidelines they have established for receiving donated cars. The main points are to discover whether they will pick up the car, how its value will be determined, and how much of the charity auto donation will go directly to the charitable organization and how much will be used up in administrative costs. The second way is to research charitable foundations that liquidate charity auto donations and then distribute the proceeds to a non-profit organization of the donor's choice. Deciding on the type of donating process that one is most comfortable with is the first step.
It is possible, through the use of Internet searches, to find online information on hundreds of local and national charities that would be very pleased to receive a donated vehicle. In this way the potential car donor can research title transfer requirements for charity auto donations, the procedures for receiving a tax-deductible receipt, and the method established for the pick-up of the car to be donated. Most people have additional questions that make a toll-free access phone number a necessity before donating a vehicle. Finding a charitable foundation that is accessible and approachable can be the second step in making a worthy donation.
Possibly the most important last step is dealing with a reputable organization that will see that the donated item is processed in an efficient and timely manner. Donors will want to be sure they receive and complete the correct paperwork, including the necessary documentation to be able to claim the charity auto donation as a tax deduction. When someone is confident that they have completed the entire process "decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40), as the Bible admonishes, then that person can be certain of being wise and thoughtful in the disposal of a used car.

Car Donation Tax

Car donations tax benefits are the main reason most people donate their cars instead of selling them or trading them in for another automobile. Currently the car donation tax benefit is available only to those that itemize on their federal income taxes. Determining the exact car donations tax benefit depends on the organization chosen and what they do with the car. Some organizations auction the auto to the highest bidder, while others give them away to people who otherwise could not afford a vehicle to get to and from their place of employment. Most of these sites are non-profit, 501(c)(3) organizations. According to IRS law, an individual can only use the deduction benefit if their gift is to a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. These organizations are legally allowed to receive and distribute vehicles for the purpose of raising funds. Car donations tax benefits are only available if a gift of a vehicle is made to a charity that has complete control and discretion over the disposition or use of the vehicle. Charities that outsource their fundraising departments are therefore ineligible to grant a car donation tax benefit. Be sure to find out exactly how much control the charity has over the distribution of cars received before donating.
In order to actually receive benefits, a donor must receive written acknowledgement of the contribution from the charity. The car donation tax information can be on paper, in email, or facsimile form. The donor then must be itemizing for that year and file Form 8283, noncash charitable contributions, to report information about all noncash contributions if donations exceed $500 during any given year. If the car donation tax benefit is below $500 and there are no other noncash donations to any other charities, then no form must be filed. Beyond a tax exemption benefit, giving to a charity is a Biblical mandate. "I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said 'It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)
The United States government has passed a new law as of January 1st, 2005 that states; if donors donate vehicles to a non-profit organization that auctions the autos, the car donations tax benefit can only be the amount the car was actually auctioned for with a $500 minimum taxable deductions to the donor. Otherwise, if a charity gives the vehicle to a family in need, a full market value benefit can be received by the donor. If donors have any other questions or would like assistance in filing taxes, they should not hesitate to contact the IRS. The IRS can be accessed via the web or by telephone. If donors are looking for information from individual states, they will have to contact the State Treasury Department to get the specifics on laws regarding the law on specific deductions in their home state.

Car Donation Service

A car donation service operates as the middleman between a car donor and a charity, making sure the transaction goes as smoothly as possible. Car donation services handle all of the logistics and the costs associated with the vehicle pick-up and subsequent sale (usually at an auction), so the donation process is very simple for the donor. If an individual or family has an older car (or truck or even a boat) that they were thinking about getting rid of, contacting a charity of choice may be a good option. A needy charity can benefit from a vehicle donation, and there is also a benefit from the tax write-off. There are programs that work on behalf of numerous charities. These programs serve as car donation services in accepting donations and then forwarding monies to participating charities. When contacting a car donation service, ask to see the list of participating charities. Many of these services have this information readily available on Web sites. There are many charities whose missions are worthy, and there is sure to be something that is close to the heart, supporting--from local Alzheimer's Association chapters to local United Way chapters and even some churches or Christian efforts.
These services make it easy to donate a vehicle. Car donation services will generally make the arrangements to have the auto(and the auto's title) picked up by a local towing service. The automobile is then processed. This means taking the automobile to an auction and giving the proceeds to a designated charity. Programs actually fix up the cars and give them to charities for their clients use. Equipping a family with a vehicle can greatly improve their situation. Either way, donors should get a receipt from the service for the vehicle's fair market value. (Donors should also conduct research to determine the vehicle's value first.) Use this receipt when itemizing taxes and filing federal tax returns. "Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over..." (Luke 6:38)
But, knowing which car donation service to select can be difficult. Seekers should conduct a little research and not be afraid to ask questions. Questions about the process and how the vehicle will be sold should be included with an investigation. Check and see if the program is registered with the state in which it resides. If finding information proves difficult, then seekers can also check with the Better Business Bureau. It may also be prudent to ask to see financial records that record where monies are spent. If uncomfortable with any of the answers, find another vehicle donation program to work with. Donating an old car can offer a financial boost to a charity needing operating funds, and a vehicle donation service can help make the transaction easy for both the donor and the charity.

Donate Bibles

Anyone who wants to donate Bibles can be a part of the Great Commission to spread God's love to the entire world. Jesus told His people, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation" (Mark 16:15). There is no better way to do that than to give to donate Bible programs that help spread God's Word throughout the world. Here in the United States, people do not see or suffer the persecution that many Christians do in other parts of the world. In order for Christians to be prepared to lead others to God, many organizations and churches must provide Bibles to them. To help share God's word with those living in spiritual darkness, there are organizations that will offer services free of charge. Some organizations ask for financial donations so that they can donate Bible literature throughout the world. Others will accept donations regardless of the condition or version of the Bible. The hunger for God throughout the world is so strong that many are needed to help donate Bibles in order to further the Kingdom of God.
Getting involved in donating God's Word to others is as easy as taking used or new copies to a local collection center or church. In many programs, a person can donate Bibles to be delivered by missionaries to those in other countries. To donate Bible literature, a visit to the many online sites can direct an individual to the site of their choice. Many of the organizations that will provide these services charge a small fee for this work. One Christian site just asks for a person's desire to make donations. The individual must simply click on the spot and a Bible is donated, with no cost whatsoever.
Many people want to help share the word of God, but just don't know how. To donate Bibles or literature is the perfect solution. It takes very little effort, little or no money, and the reward for the individual will be knowing they have participated in spreading God's word. Getting involved is easy, especially with the organizations that donate Bible literature here in America, like the Gideon Organization. As a Christian, it is important to understand the need for the Word of God to be available to people throughout the world, whether by donating Bibles or money to this cause. "Freely we have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)


Benevolence is defined as the disposition to do good; good will; charitableness; love of mankind accompanied with the desire to promote man's happiness. Church benevolence is no different; in fact, this characteristic should exude from the members of the church (followers of Christ) on a daily basis wherever they go. The church is a collection of followers of Christ that hold dear the beliefs and commandments He taught as an example of the way to live according to God. To be benevolent is an outward action of following in Christ's footsteps. This characteristic itself is the action of doing good deeds for one another on a regular basis. In times past the word and especially church benevolence were meant to include the good things a church (as a body of believers in one location) could do to help those in their community and surrounding areas. Examples would include opening soup kitchens for the hungry, offering shelter for the homeless, donating Christmas presents for those that would not otherwise be able to celebrate Christmas (with gifts) for their children. Benevolence funds are raised, sometimes separately on a monthly basis, to finance these community good deeds. "He delivereth the poor in his affliction, and openeth their ears in oppression" (Job 36:15).
People have always felt that when they were in need, they could come to the local church for help. Now, churches are starting to feel the pinch of a wavering economy and can no longer afford to help the entire community without first helping those within their congregation. Many skeptics feel that the church is here to help everyone, but the Bible speaks a different truth. The church was established not to save the lost, but to encourage and edify the believers. In times of old, Christians had nowhere to turn for support and assurance of their faith.
Persecution of Christians was happening in many places, and it was dangerous to have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Christians needed church benevolence to help each other. Today, some churches have been blessed enough to offer outside benevolence to non believers, to promote missions trips to spread God's word, and to create shelters and soup kitchens, etc. It should be noted however, that benevolence in it's truest form, should first be bestowed upon members of God's family for edification of the church and encouragement to continue to use it to spread the word of God through fruits in everyday life situations.

Friday, May 24, 2013

2013 Audi Allroad (Photos only)

2013 Audi Allroad

Engine:Turbo 2.0L I4
Power:211 HP / 258 LB-FT
Transmission:8-Speed Auto
0-60 Time:6.5 Seconds
Top Speed:130 MPH
Drivetrain:All-Wheel Drive
Curb Weight:3,891 LBS
MPG:20 City / 27 HWY
Base Price:$39,600
As-Tested Price:$43,795