Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to Gain Self-Confidence ?

How to Gain Self-Confidence

Building self-confidence is a long process that does not happen overnight. It requires sincere efforts and a great perseverance on your part. Here are some tips on how to gain self-confidence.

The above quote truly reflects the importance of self-confidence in human life. It is our self-confidence that decides what we become when we grow up. Self-confidence is not congenital, but evolves as an essence of the myriad life experiences that we go through, in our life. To say that your self-confidence determines the course of your life, would not be an overstatement. However, there are some people who just refuse to trust their own capabilities and end up being weak and unsuccessful throughout their life. If you are amongst those people, then it's high time you roll your sleeves and embark upon the mission to boost your self-confidence. Here are some tips on how to gain self-onfidence in life and emerge as a successful person. 

Tips on How to Gain Self-Confidence

Your willingness to pump up your self-confidence itself is the first step to gaining self-confidence. So firstly, congratulations for passing that one, so now is the time to actually make radical changes to your attitude towards life

Don't Give a Damn About What Others Think of You

Remember one thing in life, nobody has time to pause and judge you, because everybody is just so obsessed with themselves. So, if you think that you did not make quite an impression in the party or a meeting, then there are at least hundred other people who think the same thing about themselves. Hence, do not even consider for a moment, what others might think about you or perhaps your certain shortcomings. Having said that, I do not expect you to turn into a completely reckless person with absolutely no consideration for anyone. It's just that you should not let other people's perceptions about you come in your way of success.

I Can Do It Attitude

Remember how Barack Obama's 'Yes we can' slogan during election campaign touched the hearts of millions and created a history in American politics? This slogan instilled the feeling in the common man that he himself can bring radical changes to the world around him. Unless, you yourself believe that you can do it, you can never really succeed in doing it. Losers keep losing until they discover they too can be winners! The problem with people with low confidence is that they do not realize their own prowesses and simply refuse to take up tasks that can change their lives. On the other hand, they often end up taking tasks, which have a high potential of failure, so that their own perceived feeling of being a 'loser' is re-enforced! 

Don't be Afraid of Failures

The only real failure in life is the failure to try, goes an old adage. It is mostly our fear of failure that holds us back from pursuing our innermost desires. Often, this fear forces you to lose out on the golden opportunities in life. Take for instance, you really like this cute girl in your school and think that perhaps she too has a soft corner for you. But you hesitate to ask her out for the fear of rejection, this is when some other confident guy jumps at the opportunity and makes the best of it. You are only left pondering about the if and only in life. However, this might teach you an important lesson in life, and that is, to try to give your best, without bothering about the consequences. You might want to remember this lesson if you want to know about how to gain self-confidence in a relationship.

Have Faith and Patience

You may not be lucky to get what you want at first go itself. However, do not let this failure shatter your self-confidence. You should know how to gain self-confidence back, even after a failure. Your determination, dedication and devotion will ultimately bring success to you. However, it is important to remain resilient and unperturbed by little hitches in life. Have faith in your abilities and continue to pursue your efforts with great patience. At the end, success is yours.

Hope these tips on how to gain self-confidence help you to boost your confidence and live your life positively. I would like to conclude this article by quoting a famous line by Brian Tracy.

"With greater confidence in yourself and your abilities, you will set bigger goals, make bigger plans and commit yourself to achieving objectives that today you only dream about."

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