Thursday, November 17, 2011

Winter Home Tips Houses For Sale Barrie Cold, And Money

With old man winter lurks around the corner, especially here in Simcoe County, we began to think to hide in the corner of the fireplace with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate. The dramatic increase in the cost of home heating this winter, keeping costs under control is a major concern for most Canadians with a house for sale in Barranquilla. Here are some quick and easy ways to maximize heat and minimize the impact on your wallet.

Tip 1: Set the thermostat staff

It's January! There is absolutely no reason why you should be in bare feet and shorts when it's 20 below outside. Use a jumper and thick socks or slippers. If you're just watching TV or reading and you feel a thrill, take a shot or Afghan and hugs.

Tip 2: Set the thermostat in your home too!

The purchase of a programmable thermostat for your home for sale in Barrie will reduce heating bills by as much as 20 percent. It goes without saying that you use less energy, reduce your bill will be. If the house is empty during the day while you're at work and children at school, planned to keep the temperature at 15C thermometer, formed shortly before returning home to 21C. Lower the temperature when you go to sleep, and to add additional comfort, or a blanket. You will sleep better knowing you will save money!

Tip 3: Seal leaks in your home for sale Barrie

Caulking, weather stripping and seals around windows, door frames, baseboards, pipes and sockets. If you have a fireplace, be sure to close the chimney when not enjoying a fire. Turn off heat and close doors to unused space as a guest room. Keep the heat where it is needed most.

Tip 4: Get your furnace

That will end up saving money in the long run! Change the filters regularly and keep your mouth clean of dust and debris. A maintenance contract is a good investment and that your heating system work more efficiently. Remember that the furnaces do not break down in July, it's always when you need it most!

Tip 5: Get an energy audit

His house is old? The federal government offers a tax credit through their Ecoenergy Retrofit for homes undergoing renovation to modernize its energy efficiently. All you need to know is:

And last but not least!

Tip 6: Let The Sunshine In!

While up to 25% of your heat is lost through poorly caulked windows are also a source of solar heat. During the days of winter sunshine full, open the curtains and let the sun! Curl on the couch and enjoy the free heat from the sun provides.

Share these tips with your friends and family and lets all keep warm this winter while keeping as much money in our pockets as possible.

Krista Alkerton is a real estate broker focusing on Barrie Barrie homes for sale, real estate and waterfront properties on Lake Simcoe, then please visit

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