Friday, November 18, 2011

Sex And The City The Influence Of Fashion And Women

Some shows like "Seinfeld" and "friends" can cut deep cultural divisions, and unite all the groups, becoming all things to everyone. "Sex and the City" was one of those shows, and now all the seasons, and two successful feature film spin-off on the back, it's easy to see the influence there. But only had to show it means for women all over the world? How does it affect the way they dress, what they are looking for a man, the expectations placed his life and career in general? Read and understand:

What is the show for women?

The women were able to tune in and watch "Sex and the City" every Sunday night on HBO. They may have a cultural phenomenon all to themselves. They were able to connect with people who said and did things that have not previously thought that a woman was capable of. They saw each new episode that a woman can be strong and vulnerable, and the star of his own show, all at the same time. It was a morale booster, a reason to laugh, and the perfect escape from a world that was constantly pushing the traditional male roles in them, while forcing them to "act like women." Thanks to "Sex and the City" TV show, women have seen how it could be independent, and they embraced.

How did your way?

"Sex and the City 'to celebrate the woman's professionalism and ability to take care of themselves while stressing that it was good to be sexy and competent. Display options to dress out, and this is extended into daily life.

What women want in a man?

Women who listen to "Sex and the City" has to go through the whole range of expectations in a man. Hunter-gatherers in the type of so-called "metro-sexual", the program became famous for shouting, women began to see the relationship between men and women beyond what they had learned at the pinnacle of television. More importantly, I learned watching "Sex and the City" that does not need a man to be happy as long as they knew who they were and values ​​his independence. Women in the world of "Sex and the City" were strong and viable creatures that had ever been. They were just then getting recognition for her with a show dedicated to their hopes, dreams, fears, loves and interests.

Then there are shows much more than the value of those same characteristics in a woman, "Sex and the City" was the pioneer.

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